Saturday, February 12, 2005

The honk.

So I have a unique laugh. Actually, it's less like a laugh (haha or heehee) and more like a honk. Not like a car horn, unless you think of those old car horns. (hhhhhhhhhhhnck) It's more like a goose, but not as high-pitched as a goose. Maybe a very masculine male goose, or a female goose on steroids. Anyway, it doesn't come out all the time. I've gotten very good at supressing the urge to honk. Ever since elementary school, when I would regularly get in trouble for disrupting class with a honk. So of the people I know now, very few of them have ever experienced the honk.

So Oola and I took Dad to see Colin Mochrie and Brad Sherwood from Who's Line for his birthday. The two of them are so funny; Oola should not have worn mascara. She looked more like Tammy Fae before the night was over. Anyway, Brad Sherwood starts singing the Muhnamana song from the Muppets. Well, the honk that had been building up inside of me finally rose to the surface and came out like a flock of disgruntled trumpeter swans. It was so loud Brad Sherwood looked out into the audience and said "What was that?" So now it's back to hiding the honk again. But it was worth it to make one of the funnier men in Hollywood laugh.


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