Blinded by the light
So I was in the office today (Saturday) and since no one is there I usually stream my oldies station and rock out while lawyerin' out.
So the song "Blinded by the Light" by Manfred Mann came on. I generally like the song, I guess, but the lyrics have always eluded me. I mean, the first line of the chorus is easy enough: "Blinded by the light." Okay. Now its the second string of nonsensical syllables that have me confused. To me, he sings: "Wrapped up like a douche a holy roller in the night." Hmm.
After the song came on I was tempted to look up the lyrics. But I decided against it, because there is no way the real lyrics are better than the ones I came up with.
That is hilarious; my entire life I've thought the lyrics were: "Wrapped up like a douche in a pituitary fight." The "wrapped up like a douche" part has got to be right, at the very least, since BOTH OF US thought it. And I'm with you, I'd rather continue living as if those are the true lyrics.
I thought it was "wrppaed up like a douche another stoner in the night." I am also half tempted to to see what the actual lyrics are.
I think EVERYONE hears 'wrapped up like a douche!'
In So Cal where I live there is a car dealership commercial for Cal Worthington Ford, and instead of 'GO SEE CAL GO SEE CAL GO SEE CAL', I always heard "PUSSY COW PUSSY COW PUSSY COW". When I met my husband and we were driving by the dealership, I started singing that. He said he always sang PUSSY COW too! LOL
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