Toe pic[k]!
So some of you may recall the legendary bachelorette weekend. At some point during the drinking and debauchery, I injured my left big toenail. It turned blue and looked just lovely for a few months and then it just fell off. It slowly started to grow back (fun science fact! toe nails grow at 1/3 the speed of finger nails! now you know the answer to the Jeopardy question "This body part grows at 1/3 the speed of finger nails" "What is a toe nail?"). But instead of growing into a lovely normal nail, it grew into an ugly catawompus sort of nail. So I went to the doctor, an incredibly hot foot doctor who had to look at my festering foot and who I could not utter two syllables to except to say "Mind if I don't look while you hack at my toe?"
This is the result:

I think the hot pink bandage is the perfect summer accessory.
only you. these things only happen to you.
speaking of hot doctors, after meeting her obstetrician for the first time, caley called me with these words, "imagine the hottest guy you've ever met. multiply that by ten. that's the guy i had looking at my vagajay today." yeah, imagine that....
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