Pizza! Pizza!
So I love Little Caesar's Pizza.
There aren't many Little Caesar's Pizza places around anymore, but I was tipped off to one south of here by the man of my dreams. So yesterday, as a study-break snack for Michelle and to satisfy a craving for me, I got in the car and headed south for pizza. The Little Caesar's is located inside a K-Mart in Massillon. So I spent roughly forty minutes driving there. The best part of the whole journey is that I probably pass 13 or so pizza places on the street that the K-Mart is on (three of those being Papa Johns).
I'll be the first to admit it--there is something a little trashy about buying pizza from a K-Mart. Let's face it: it's a little trashy to be buying anything from K-Mart. But I love going there. For some reason, every time I go to this particular K-Mart, the Amish are also shopping. (Although not in line for Little Caesar's Pizza.) They were hovering around the $5 shoe bin, trying to find something that wasn't a sequined flip-flop. (Does the Bible say anything denouncing sequins?? Or showing your toes in public?)
A large pizza and krazy bread cost $6 something. Add two small sodas for $9.06.
As for the pizza? Veni, vidi, vici.
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