Monday, June 26, 2006

Me and the Bachelor

So apparently my father is on a first name basis with Andrew Firestone (a.k.a the gorgeous bachelor from television who is also the great-grandson of Harvey Firestone who started the Firestone Tire company). I was at the 50th anniversary of the interstate highway system shindig when Mr. Firestone started walking toward my dad, his secretary, and I.
Me: "Ohmygod, Andrew Firestone is coming right toward us."
Dad: "Hello, Andrew, how's it going?"
Andrew: "Fine, sir, going well."
Dad: "This is my daughter Jessica."
Andrew: "Hi, Jessica, nice to meet you."
Jessica: ::gaping mouth with slight gurgling noise::
Dad's secretary: "Jessica just graduated from law school."
Andrew: "Oh, really, where from?"
Jessica: ::wide-eyed stare when she realizes he is looking at her and engaging her in conversation::
Dad: ::clears throat::
Jessica: "Um, Akron...." (pointing off into the distance at who knows what)
Andrew: "Oh, my brother went to Pepperdine."
Jessica: "Oh, that's a way better school."
Andrew: "Well, I guess its less the school and more the person, really. I mean, I went to a lot of nice schools, and that really didn't help me."
Jessica: "HAHAHA...hahahaha......ahem."
Silence as Dad and Andrew stare at Jessica and Jessica looks at her toes.
Dad: "So, I had dinner with your brother last month."
Andrew: "Ah, at the Inventor's Hall of Fame. Yeah, he said that was really neat. Although it was weird that it took them 100 years to get Harvey in there."
Dad: "That's what my wife said. They also inducted the guy who invented Prozac......"
The two best friends walk off together chit-chatting while Jessica stares ahead with her head tilted to one side until the euphoria wears off and she realizes with horror what she had done.

My dad commented later that my face was as red as the Firestone shirts and that he had never, ever seen me at a loss for words.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Andrew is such a hottie, lucky you. I would have done the same.

8:49 AM  

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