Monday, July 11, 2005

Man of my dreams, or, Ddyn chan 'm breuddwydion

So I have finally met the man of my dreams. I know what you're thinking: you could have sworn there was either a monastary or a couple dozen cats in my future. And I didn't so much as meet him but see him on a big screen with several other people. Be that as it may, I will say it again: I have finally met the man of my dreams: Ioan Gruffudd.

Let's go through his finer points, shall we?
--Dark hair. (I went through a phase recently where I departed from my Guy Standard and was attracted to fair-haired, blue eyed cherubs. But now I'm back to my roots.)
--He's Welsh (With a last name that has more f's and d's than vowels, he has to be. Plus it is close enough to Scotland)
--Gorgeous (This really does bear repeating).
--And really, he hasn't been in a show that I didn't like (I vaguely remember him in Titanic, so that doesn't count).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr Fantastic....somehow it is quite appropriate! The movie was definitely better than I expected! Of course, after debating for like 30 minutes on what to watch, a group of us finally landed on it, seemingly enough since it was the one flick none of us really cared to see. Glad for the mistake on that was visually entertaining at least. Something about having the network stars act in a movie...wonder who was working the budget on that one...with actors fromt he shield and nip tuck...who would have guessed.

11:39 PM  
Blogger rene said...

yum. that's all.

3:03 PM  

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