The Wal-mart of Law Schools Pays Tribute
So this is the newest edition to the University of Akron:

Thanks to Greg for the photo.
It is a sculpture, dedicated to polymers. Or, it is giant rock candy stick. Or, it is a large blue fallic symbol (Oola's thought). Or, it is the university's immortal tribute to the Wal-mart blue plastic bag. Honestly, the first time I saw it I thought it wasn't done yet and the blue bags were covering it until it could be finished. But the blue plastic bags never left.
For an institution that believes in deep discount pricing, you would think that they could have gotten a sculpture for $19.99. But no--this one cost $475,000.
Read the article here.
now i want rock candy. thanks. wonder if they sell it at wal-mart...
Someone made a lot of money off of those thin but strong plastic bags. It is fitting tribute to glue them to a large stick and charge a grossly huge fee for the creative vision.
That being said, your university is tacky. They probably gathered the materials off the street. Right now there is some homeless man wondering where the hell his house went.
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