Sunday, July 31, 2005

Snap out of it

So I really like the idea of the opera. I can't say "I like the opera" because I have never actually seen an opera. However, the idea of the opera appeals to me. Maybe it is the elitist in me coming out (for God's sake, I'm 23 and I drink gin martinis). But maybe it's something more--those of you who have seen Moonstruck or Winona's version of Little Women know what I'm talking about. Both of these movies feature a woman who is well-educated but somehow has never been to the opera. Enter the Man: in Winona's case, a handsome university professor (played by the guy who went on to be D'Artagnan in the Leo version of The Man in the Iron Mask); in Cher's case, it was a one-handed bread maker in the form of Nicolas Cage. In both stories, the woman does not know the language that is being sung and can't translate the lyrics, but can translate the passion on the stage, which tugs at their deepest emotions and inevitably leads to a camera shot of a single tear sliding down a very moved young actress' or old pop singer's face.

I want a single tear to slide down my cheek while an earnest man sits beside me and some woman sings in Italian.


Blogger rene said...

actually, when i think opera...i think "pretty woman". and the power of the red dress is similar to that of red pants. ;o)

9:45 PM  
Blogger Oola's twin said...

Oo, doesn't Julia Roberts cry too at the opera?? Although I don't remember if a tear slides down her face...I think her eyes just brim over a little.

9:48 AM  

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