Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Deposition Drama

So this would be an example of lawyer's behaving badly.

For those of you who haven't spent three years learning to act like this, here is a small explanation: prior to going to trial, lawyers on both sides will do what is called a deposition. It is basically a time when the lawyer on one side gets to question the other party's witnesses. There is usually a court reporter who creates a deposition transcript (so every little "um" "okay" and "uh-huh" is typed out). The lawyer who is doing the questioning is not limited by relevance rules and can pretty much ask any question he wants (with certain limits). The lawyer who is defending the deposition (the lawyer who is representing the witness) can object to questions, but unless it involves privileged information or something the witness is not supposed to discuss, the objection is just noted in the transcript and the witness will answer the question (so usually an objection during a depo does not have the same function as an objection at trial).

With that mini explanation, enjoy the clip.

(Interesting fact: the lawyer doing the questioning is a famous (or infamous?) Texas attorney who is permanently barred from practicing law in Delaware).


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