Saturday, April 22, 2006


So after a long night of drinking (actually, it was a really short night of drinking...I was in bed by 10 o'clock) I woke up this morning at 7 and just kind of laid around in bed. I was thinking about whether I wanted to blog about anything that happened the night before, none of which I could really remember. Then I got up, and realized that my bedroom floor had been cleared and everything was put away. As I looked through the room my gaze went into the hallway and saw that it was clean, too. I walked out to the kitchen and saw that I had brand new kitchen cabinets, all done in this very pretty mahogany color. Then I saw my furniture had been moved around and my carpets had been cleaned! The television was on, and the radio, and there was a note that said "Maintenance" on it. Apparently they had come in while I was passed out and done repairs on my apartment! It all looked amazing, like a brand new place! I was so happy, but I was still really tired, so I went back to bed. My last thought before going to back to sleep was "I'm definitely going to have to blog about this."

Three hours later I woke up in a messy apartment with old brown cabinets. I had dreamt the whole thing.


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