So I am so going to be fired.
After what seems to be a never ending cycle of stressful weeks, I got up to go to work this morning ON TIME. It was like all the saints took time out of their busy pope match game schedules and came together to get my ass out of bed. I showered, I did my hair, makeup, nice casual Friday outfit. I even managed to get to work before I was supposed to be there: 7:45! So Smarty McGee that I am, I decided to rest my eyes for a few moments and kind of collect my thoughts for the day.
An hour and a half later, I hear this honking sound. I'm thinking, what the fuck is that noise, and why won't that person lay off the god damn horn? Seems that person was actually physically laying on the horn, and that person was me. Oh-my-fucking-god-and-christ-and-all-that-is-holy. I had fallen asleep at the wheel of a parked car in the parking lot at work.
Not only was I an hour late to work, but I had a little horn imprint on my head.
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