Sunday, April 03, 2005

March 28

So there is this interesting phenomenon that occurs when my hair is introduced to warmer climates. As soon as the weather is warm and slightly humid (i.e. dew points above 60), my hair expands like an Easter Peep in the microwave. The family calls it my beach hair, and it literally arrived as soon as I stepped off the plane in Pensacola. My sister (not Oola, she has the same hair and is equally shamed by it) has decided to document the beach hair on film. She is following me around with a camera, taking pictures of the brillo pad on top of my head as it flaps around in the gale force winds. Many years ago, when I was a Brownie, we visited COSI in Columbus. They have a Van de Graff generator, and I tried it out. I had permed hair then, and the little curls separated and arranged themselves on my head like Medusa’s snakes. That’s kind of what my head looks like now, only here it is a permanent condition.


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