Don't know much about history
So I haven't posted in awhile--it's been a long week, actually. But it hasn't been an entirely uninformative week, either. Here are a few of the gems that I have come across during the past week:
1) If you give a dog alcohol, she will throw up.
2) There is no Equal Rights Amendment (this shocking revelation came when three second year law students tried to tell my ethics professor that there was one).
3) There are two types of women in this world: Bond girls and Moneypennys. Bond will always rescue the Bond girl (stick insects with large boobs AND guns), but he will always need Moneypenny for support. And, as a Moneypenny, that's all you can ever hope for unless you invest in a pair of bazookas.
4) Cotton candy is actually a very obscene, vulgar carnival treat, when you think about it.
5) Cell phones can survive after a couple of hours in the fridge.
6) Apparently, no one does "the wash" anymore: the new-fangled term is "the laundry".
7) There are a surprising amount of skunks in the world, in all sorts of varieties, and none of them are as cute as Flower in Bambi.
8) As close as Canada is, it takes a really long time to ship things from there. (Maybe they have to go around the lake?)
9) Once you have stolen a traffic cone, it is really hard to a) put it back or 2) find a place to put it.
I was trying to go for a dime's worth of new-found knowledge, but I can't think of roman numeral X. So we'll just leave it like that. I'm sure Oola will have her two cents to put in tonight after she goes out.
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