Friday, July 28, 2006

And I'm spent....

So I survived the bar exam. I can't think of anything to say about it, but I do have a few highlights:

On the way down to Columbus, the Subaru in front of me had a license plate that said JJH 778. JJH are my initials, and 778 adds up to the same number that my exam number (958) adds up to (22). (I like adding numbers when I drive). I thought this was a good sign.

I had a kingsize bed. I have never had a kingsize bed. I slept sideways in my kingsize bed because I could.

I sat next to Perpetual Sigher. Every five minutes or so, Perpetual Sigher would heave the heaviest of sighs. They were seriously like he was taking a last breath, but then he'd do it again so I knew he wasn't dying. By the end of the first hour I had to restrain myself from shouting "Shut the fuck up! At least let me read the question first before I get your commentary on it and we can both fucking sigh together!!!". There is a rule against talking during the exam; I think that statement would be considered talking.

Perpetual Sigher was taking the bar for the fourth or fifth time. Daniel and I figured out that the odds that two people at the same table will fail the exam are roughly 6000:1. Oddly enough, I don't like those odds. :heavy sigh:


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