Give me head with hair, long beautiful ha-air

See? Just like Polamalu. And more than enough to spare. Ten inches went right to my shoulders, which is short (for me) but no where near the disasterous shortness of '87. So I made my appointment and went in.
The whole thing was televised on a local morning show. My stylist was nervous, and it is never a good idea for the lady with the scissors to be nervous. She divided my hair into four sections and made a ponytail of 10 inches long. Then she cut off the ponytails. It was heartbreaking to see my 10 inches of hair sitting on the counter. But my sadness turned to panic as the stylist continued to cut. And cut. And cut. And cut. And cut. I wanted to scream out "For the love of God, honey, please stop cutting or I won't have any left!!!!"
When the carnage was over, this is all that was left of my hair:
No, I was not happy. It's second grade all over again.