Friday, December 30, 2005

Ven you got eet, flaunt eet

So I am in a musical!!

Yes, Oola is currently starring in the Brooks/Strohman musical comedy "The Producers". Although they spelled my name Ulla...I think they were put off by my thick Swedish accent. Who knew I would look so good as a blonde?

Monday, December 26, 2005

Happy (belated) Christmas!

Sorry this is going up late. God Bless Cable Internet.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005


So I really enjoy living by myself. I enjoy being on my own schedule, sleeping when I want, eating when I want, cleaning when I want (which right now is never). I thinking moving in with anyone would be a huge, life-altering adjustment. However, there are times when I hate living alone.

I hate the fact that when I run out of toilet paper in the middle of the night I have no one to blame but myself.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

The Golden Rule(s).

So it's law school finals time, which in essence means time to find things to procrastinate.

Here is the quiz that answers that age old question: which Federal Rule of Civil Procedure are you? I know every law student is dying to know.

Thanks to darling René for the link. You truly are Rule 15.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Alcohol, a party time necessity

So some of you may know my incredible knack for saying some of the dumbest thing ever. In college, my darling friend René (of Sweetest Things fame) used to keep a quotes webpage and I was on there quite a bit.

I just got in to work after a meeting with a local attorney (who asked me to come work for him "if I ever wanted to use my conscience" (!!)). I was really wound up. My new cubemate, Erin, informed me that the office holiday party was going to be taking place at a local bar. In my agitated state, my only concern was: is there going to be alcohol, and are we allowed to drink it? Now, in my own defense, this is a fair question: I work for a large corporation that has a strict policy when it comes to alcohol at parties (alcohol --> drunk employees --> sexual harrasment, drunk driving, falling into chemical mixing vats and becoming life-size plastic army men, etc. --> lawsuits!!). So I was curious whether we would be allowed to drink. Erin said it really didn't come up, there wasn't a lot of talk about alcohol. In my panic, I saw the head IP lawyer walking past. He is new, Southern, polite (definitely not a Wookie)--and I have a huge crush on him. I called to him over the cube and said "John, question: is there going to be alcohol at the alcohol party??" The people in the area around my cube dissolved into giggles (it really doesn't take much). John offered to take me to the bar that very instant and call me a cab for the ride home. My boss (who happened to be walking past when I announced my alcoholism) said clearly we need to turn the office holiday party into an intervention.

The moral of the story is that no matter how much you try to repress your inner alcoholic, every once in awhile she rears her fermented, gin-soaked head and says "fugyouimnotdrunkenufyet" to the world before falling asleep in a pile near the toilet with her keys still in the lock on the front door.