Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Drip, drip, drop

So my firm just installed an indoor water feature down the hall from me. It is a beautiful piece of polished copper that water slowly trickles down and filters through a pile of stones. Very peaceful, very calming....very reminicent of someone peeing.

Oh holy hell, now I have to pee. Constantly.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Blinded by the light

So I was in the office today (Saturday) and since no one is there I usually stream my oldies station and rock out while lawyerin' out.

So the song "Blinded by the Light" by Manfred Mann came on. I generally like the song, I guess, but the lyrics have always eluded me. I mean, the first line of the chorus is easy enough: "Blinded by the light." Okay. Now its the second string of nonsensical syllables that have me confused. To me, he sings: "Wrapped up like a douche a holy roller in the night." Hmm.

After the song came on I was tempted to look up the lyrics. But I decided against it, because there is no way the real lyrics are better than the ones I came up with.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Running just as fast as we can...

So I don't think I can ever go to my gym again.

Two of my bosses, the ones I most often work with, are also members. The Head Honcho goes in the morning before work, so I can pretty much guarantee that he and I will never run into each other, as I much prefer to spend the pre-dawn hours in bed. The Nice One usually goes at lunch time. And I go after work. We had a system, a schedule in place so that my bosses never had to witness me all sweaty and gross with wobbly bits. At least that's the way it was in my head.

So last night I went to the gym and I am running/jogging/loping along on the treadmill and I look over and there is a cute guy running a few rows ahead of me. I can only see the back of him and it is kind of far away. Well, after he finishes his run he steps off and…it was Nice One. I tripped forward on the machine, inches away from smacking my head against the console and falling only to be flung off the end of the treadmill. Well, I pretended that I didn't see him and me and my wobbly bits kept on r/j/l along.

So I officially checked out my boss while looking completely disgusting on a moving platform. Yup, I am never going back.

Friday, January 04, 2008

Everybody was Kung Fu fighting....

So, wouldn't it be so much easier if elections were decided this way?

(Many thanks to charismatic Christa in Colorado for the link. She said she fought Hilary and Huckabee and Huckabee won. Scary stuff.)